On August 18th, 2018, we gave Megan Sorbo our first ever Youth Conservationist award. In fact, this was our first award we had given to anyone, ever. We presented the award during a meeting at Ethos Vegan Kitchen during their fundraiser for us.
This award recognizes a person under the age of 21 that has effectively advocated for the protection of conservation land and wildlife in the State of Florida. Preference is given to nominees who have stood up for Split Oak Forest, specifically.
On March 8th, 2018, Megan boldly spoke during the public comment period of the Central Florida Expressway Authority (CFX) board meeting. She spoke on behalf of the inhabitants of Split Oak that, in her words, "do not speak English. And so we must speak English and Spanish and every other language we have for them, because if we don't, they have no voice."