We need as many people as possible to attend (and speak, if you can) in support of the Amendment. The next meeting is January 9th, 2019 [event] at the Wekiva High School Auditorium at 6:00pm.
Whether or not you can attend the meeting, please contact the committee members and tell them your support this Amendment. Here are some suggested comments you can make when you call or email the members. Please contact as many CRC members as you possibly can and tailor you comments to your individual experience with Split Oak.
Charter Review Committee Members
Mr. James Auffant auffantlaw@gmail.com (407) 894-4779
Mr. Jack Douglas jackhdouglas@yahoo.com (407) 913-4785
Mr. Russell Drake russelldrakecrc@gmail.com (321) 236-1911
Ms. Camille Evans cevans.crc@gmail.com (407) 271-2460
Mr. John Fauth john.fauth2020crc@gmail.com (407) 476-1566
Mr. Matthew Klein klein2020crc@gmail.com (407) 206-5291
Mr. Jeffrey A. Miller jamfrey@aol.com (407) 423-0008
Ms. Nikki Mims nikkijmims@gmail.com (407) 592-3435
Mr. Samuel Vilchez Santiago svilchezsantiago@gmail.com (407) 459-2324
Ms. Soraya Smith sorayasmithcrc@gmail.com (407) 435-0945
Mr. Lee Steinhauer leecrc65@gmail.com (908) 202-6882
Mr. Eugene Stoccardo stoccardo2020crc@gmail.com (407) 545-6104
Mr. Anthony Suarez suarez@suarezcti.com (407) 841-7373
Ms. Dotti Wynn dwynn1900@gmail.com (407) 497-0017
Please email each member separately, be very polite, thank them for considering this amendment, identify yourself as an Orange County resident (if applicable), and succinctly state your reasons for supporting the Amendment.
Here's the current Amendment text.
What is the Charter Review Committee (CRC)?
This is a board of fifteen people that considers amendments to the charter of Orange County. The board members are appointed by Orange County Commissioners. Individual amendment topics are considered in smaller subcommittees. The Orange County CRC website has more information.
Easy email list of CRC members if don't have much time and you need to do a quick blind-carbon copy: auffantlaw@gmail.com, jackhdouglas@yahoo.com, russelldrakecrc@gmail.com, cevans.crc@gmail.com, john.fauth2020crc@gmail.com, klein2020crc@gmail.com, amelvincrc@gmail.com, jamfrey@aol.com, nikkijmims@gmail.com, svilchezsantiago@gmail.com, sorayasmithcrc@gmail.com, leecrc65@gmail.com, stoccardo2020crc@gmail.com, suarez@suarezcti.com, dwynn1900@gmail.com
More Comment Ideas
Video of the Public Comments from the November 6, 2019 CRC meeting in support of Split Oak